With Alka Magnum balance the PH of your body
11 August, 2019The key to good health and longevity has directly to do with the balance in our internal fluids of acid and alkaline which affects the functioning of every cell in our body.
Chronic acidity in the body disrupts all cellular activities and functions, causing you to experience, lack of energy, fatigue, headaches, constipation, cramps, aches and pains and even major ailments. The body in its self-defense does the impossible to maintain a balanced PH (7.35 – 7.45) which implies that every time there is over acidification it goes, seeks and removes alkaline minerals in its reserve banks that it has, thus exposing other organs and tissues of the body. Therefore, an important point to know is what causes acidification in the body.
Three Factors That Cause Heartburn:
Ingestion of Acid – Acidifying Foods: | ||
Acid creation
An excess of acidity is usually accompanied by a proliferation of microorganisms such as yeasts and fungi. The famous parasites
Pathogens which in turn excrete acidifying toxins into the organism, absorbing nutrients, also increasing acidity when they die.
Neutralization and Acid Removal Insufficiency
Not all Acids are equal, there are Weak and Strong Acids. Clearly it is easier to neutralize the weak ones such as Citric and Acetic Acid, than the strong ones such as Uric Acid.
How to prevent it?
Neutralizing the acidification of the body involves drinking ALKAMAGNUM alkaline water daily.